Happy New Year! New year, new goals…. So cliché’ right? But also so true. I have started and stopped writing blog posts so many times, but THIS IS MY YEAR! I am not a fan of writing which is a huge part of it, but I want a place that I can share more in depth about home improvement, gardening in Florida, helpful real estate information, and probably other randomness. Facebook and Instagram are great for that but sometimes I want to give more information than a 15 second story, or a Reel with quick hit items, or even a long rambling Facebook post.
So, here we are! I also suffer from having so many ideas and things that I want to do but then either get analysis paralysis or start and then end up in the 90% club (a not cool club of squirrels who must jump to the next thing before finishing the first)… so hopefully writing will get me to the finish line!
Up first… my word of the year. EXECUTE. I feel this is probably self-explanatory since I just explained in the previous paragraph about me! Synonyms include implement, finish, achieve, carry out, complete. Yup, all are relevant. I also like that kill, slay, murder are synonyms (only in the cool kid way of using them!)
This is my year to EXECUTE in several areas using this blog and my YouTube channel. This list is not in order of importance.
- Real Estate- after a few really bumpy years (losing my father-in-law, my dad, the “pandemic”, moving states, starting my own team) I have daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly plans to GROW by business and HELP a lot more people this year. Investment, relocation, and people saying Get me the H E double hockey sticks out of the cold!
- Home Improvement/Design- I am a self-taught DIYer and love to design. I seek out how to do a project and make it happen. I want to share more about the designs, the projects, and yes, actually finish 100%. This only applies to MY stuff, don’t worry if you are a client. I execute the heck out of that!
- Garden- I have huge plans for the yard. Front, Back, Canal area! Fruit orchard! Cut flowers! EEK!!!
- Florida Living- it’s truly better than I imagined. I want to share the experiences and also do more.
I’m pumped for 2023! I can’t wait to bring you along! Let’s EXECUTE!